PIMSIE squeezes your Juices & Mylks and delivers them to you the same day!


Currently our deliveryman is crisscrossing the 19 communes of Brussels as well as Linkebeek, Beersel, Rhode-Saint Genesee, Alsemberg and WaterlooAn supplement of €8 is counted for any delivery.

Don't worry, we will deliver the rest of Belgium soon.


If you live in another commune, and you can't wait to try our Juices, or if you don't feel like paying delivery fees, you can pick up your freshly squeezed orders at PIMSIE LAB located at Rue de l'Eglise, 20 in 1630 Linkebeek (neighboring commune of Uccle/Brussels) or at our pickup points:
- bocally & Zotte Pot, located at Rue de Stalle 280 in 1180 Uccle.
- Mon Bouillon, located at Rue Gustave Defnet 1 in 1060 Saint-Gilles.
Pickup is by appointment via our website and is free of course!